Desert Hills Shooting Club has started a new Las Vegas, NV area monthly pistol competition. The DHSC Monthly Pistol Competition will take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Competition Rules
Step 1 – Get a B-16 target from the RSO. Place you name and caliber of the gun you’ll be using, on the target.
Step 2 – At 10 yards, fire 10 rounds at the target. When finished, return the target to the RSO for scoring. If you score 85 or higher continue to Step 3
Step 3 – Get a B-16 target from the RSO. Place you name and caliber of the gun you’ll be using, on the target.
Step 4 – At 15 yards, fire 10 rounds at the target. When finished, return the target to the RSO for scoring. If you score 85 or higher continue to Step 5
Step 5 – Get a B-8 target from the RSO. Place you name and caliber of the gun you’ll be using, on the target.
Step 6 – At 25 yards, fire 10 rounds at the target. When finished, return the target to the RSO for scoring.
The highest scoring shooters at 25 yards in rimfire and centerfire will be declared the winners and their names will be added to the pistol competition plaque as the corresponding month’s winner. Monthly winners will be eligible to shoot against the other monthly winners in the DHSC Pistol Shooter of the Year 2011 Competition.
Don’t forget that your Nevada State I.D. also gets you 50% off Rifle and Pistol range time at D.H.S.C.

We’ll be having our second monthly pistol match on 19 February.
9am on Range C at DHSC
Is this still going on?
I have no idea. The people who used to keep me up to date with this are no longer employed there. Best thing would be to cal the range and ask.
I would also like to know if this is still happening…
same here, sounds like fun