Hello my name is Logan and I am a multi-tool-aholic. It’s been 1 hour since I last used a multi-tool. If this sounds like the kind of meeting your friends or significant others might suggest you attend then you should probably stop reading now. I would hate to feed your addiction further with this giveaway. For those of you with the will power to maintain an even keel let’s talk about the MULTITASKER Series 3 AR-15 Multi-Tool. One thing you’ll notice right off the bat with this tool is the solid feel it projects from the minute you pick it up. It has beefy handles and a good heft: attributes that can be good for some things and not so great for others. More on that later.
Let’s start with the tool set and construction. The handles are made from medium traction G-10 and the sample I have is done in all black. All the metal components are coated in a black finish that from my testing looks like it will hold up well. By well I mean it will take a good amount of use to show wear but when it does it just makes you look cooler when you pull it out at the range. A knife, bit driver with multiple bits, plier head with (euphoric gasp) REPLACEABLE WIRE CUTTERS, and two sizes of hex wrench round out what could be referred to as “general” work tools. From there things get more specific to the MULTITASKER’s true purpose.

The MULTITASKER’s real calling is as an in-field AR-15 do it all. It features a very well made and properly sized castle nut wrench which I tested a several makes and models of AR-15 and it worked like a charm. If you are one of the folks that just can’t decide what stock set up is best and thus refuse to stake your castle nut this feature is a must because under firing conditions that nut will certainly loosen up. I will also mention that in a pinch it can function as a bottle opener. A replaceable pin punch is included in the tool set and I find that refreshing. I can’t tell you how many times I have used a stick or skinny screw driver to do the work that one should do with a pin punch! Another benefit of the pin punch is that it is removable and accepts many commercial cleaning rods in its place so you can use the multi-tool as a t-handle to clean an AR-15 chamber. The bit driver arrives with an AR-15 front sight adjustment tool in place. There is also a carbon scrapper to get all the baked on carbon goodness a high round count direct impingement bolt and carrier get. The above mentioned hex wrenches are the two most common sizes found on today’s “tactical” scope mounting systems so you can make sure your optic is solid before zeroing.
There are some down sides to this tool. I found the handle had some unpleasant edges when using the pliers with any real force. Also the fasteners that hold everything together stick out quite a bit from the handle and are not as rounded as I would like. The tool has a pocket clip and no pouch but to me it seems entirely too thick for a pocket and would be best in a pouch attached to MOLLE gear or a range bag. The bit driver retained all the bits very well EXCEPT the front sight tool which in my opinion is the most important bit in the line-up. Another small thing that doesn’t seem like an annoyance until you use it in different situations is the plier head itself. It is not centered in the handle so for a person who uses standard pliers every day it took a little more attention to get the head where it needed to be when doing fine work.
Not having spent much time with the MULTITASKER Series 2, I cannot say a whole lot about what the series 3 brings over the 2. I will say for my personal use I think the pin punch will be much more of an aid than the dental pick was. I do miss the sheath that came with the series 2 MULTITASKER though. I really feel that is a better way to carry this tool. Two advantages that I see with the series 3 is the knife blade and the front sight tool. Having carried a knife every day since I was 5 years old I have developed a definite preference for a clip point blade rather than a tanto. The series 2 tanto blade may look cool but in my experience the clip blade of the series 3 will be more useful in daily tasks. While both series have a front sight tool the tool on the series 3 is a standard bit like all the other bits that come in the set. It can be swapped into any interchangeable head handle you have around making it easier to use than when it is on the MULTITASKER itself. I think this is a better feature than the series 2 bits fitting into the sight tool itself.
To wrap it up I would say that as an AR-15 go bag/range gear/soldier multi-tool this would work very well. It is a quality tool that can multi-task very well…as long as your multitude of tasks involve an AR-15. Multi-tools are designed to do many different things if the need arises and the proper tool cannot be found. But one of the biggest problems with multi-tool addictions is you end up with a multi-tool for everything. I guess I will be turning in my one hour coin because I have this stray string on my shirt and I know the knife blade on this MULTITASKER will be perfect to cut it off…
If you’re interested in picking up a MULTITASKER Series 3 AR-15 Multi-Tool, you can find them in stock over at TopSpecUS.com and you can also enter to win one courtesy of TopSpecUS by filling out the entry form in the top of the right column. The more you share your giveaway links, the more entries you can earn!

This multi tool has tools on it that others do not. This multi tool looks to be well thought out and I like it a lot.
It looks like a well thought out tool, but at $140 MSRP, they won’t sell very many.
MSRP is actually $180.00 and they’ve been selling tens of thousands of them for years. Note this is their 3rd generation. If they weren’t selling well, it would have died with Gen 1. However, you can find them cheaper online including at TopSpecUS.com where they are currently ONLY $139.95
good tools made to last a life time, best to pay what you want once and be done
I think that most people will spend that for a great product such as this.. After you have broken a few of the cheaper multitools you will not hesitate to spend money on a quality one.
looks well made
Wow, looks sharp!
LOL, when I first saw the last pic on the left , with the shadows , for a second I thought ” OMG, it’s a fork too ? ”
This is a very well thought out tool.
LOL, you’re right….At first glance it does look that way. :)
Looks solid to me
Man this looks fantastic.
love to own this !
Looks like the real deal.
I have been shopping for a multitool that could do what is needed in the field, this one seems to be able to do the job. The price may slow things down for you somewhat.
A buddy linked this on his page looks like it has the potential to be used in everyday
well thought out tool
I own the Multitasker 3 and have used the 2.0. I manage a gun company and am an active shooter. The Multitasker is the one is the one tool I would grab if I were to head out the door into combat, a SWAT call out or a range trip, it features a castle nut wrench for the M4 platform and two hex style wrenches for commonly-used bolts on AR type rifles. Also onboard is a front sight tool and a carbon scraper. There is also a punch for roll pins and disassembly of Glock style handguns. There is also a very sharp blade for most cutting tasks. The tool itself is a high quality plier which employs the D2 hybrid bearing. The plier also features a steel wire cutter. Lastly, the sight tool pulls off and there is a complete magnetic bit set. My only criticism of the 3.0 is the plastic sight tool which is painfully out of place on this otherwise top-shelf tactical tool. So if you are a war fighter, a SWAT operator or a weekend warrior, take the Multitasker 3.0 along because it is an indispensable part of your kit!
LOVE MINE! Need more for each range bag!