Trijicon Optics at 2011 SHOT Show

Trijicon - Tom Kane

Tom Kane – Trijicon

We spent a good amount of time checking out stuff at the Trijicon booth. They have a wide range of fiber optic and Tritium based weapons sights including some for the archery crowd. Tom Kane went over each of the companies new offerings including features, options, and price points.

Although I’m not personally a fan of their new HD Night Sights, I did recommend them just a couple of days ago to a gentleman who was looking for something that he could see better based on his “antique” eyes. To me the new sight is a little overbearing but I can certainly see the value for shooters who may have lost some of their detailed vision over the years. I’ll definitely be picking up the new fiber optic Shotgun sights and will most likely include at least one of there RMR products in an upcoming micro dot comparison.

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