Nevada Guns & Gear

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3 Responses to Nevada Guns & Gear

  1. Old School Shooter September 8, 2014 at 8:33 pm #

    When this place first opened it was a nifty little store. I think the owners name was Garret or something like that and it was a friendly place to shop. He must have sold the place or something because I haven’t seen him in a coons age. The people who are there now all seem to think they are better than the rest of us. I finally had enough when one of the guys decided to insult my EDC firearm. Not a great way earn repeat business.

    • 702Shooter September 9, 2014 at 11:06 pm #

      Hey Old School, nice to see you again!

      I just found out through another subscriber here that this store posted a going out of business sale on backpage today. I check and sure as hell, it’s there.

      Thanks for all the reviews you;’ve been posting. Keep it up!

      • Old School Shooter September 10, 2014 at 8:51 pm #

        I’m happy to see the site moving a bit again. I was pretty shocked when I stopped by a couple weeks ago and saw the new design. It’s looking good.

        I saw looked up the notice on backpage then stopped in the shop today. Still a bunch of jerks all the way to the end. I’m glad they’re closing shop. Too many gun stores in that area anyway and no room for people like them.

        Good riddance.

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