Glock Donates $2 Million to the National Law Enforcement Museum

Smyrna, GAGLOCK, Inc. gave a $2 million gift to The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund during the organization’s 20th Anniversary Gala on Wednesday, Oct. 12.  The gift was given to the Memorial Fund to assist in the development of an educational and interactive exhibition called The History Beat at the National Law Enforcement Museum, which is currently under construction in Washington, DC.

“Mr. Glock, and the entire GLOCK family is thrilled to support the Museum and give back to the Law Enforcement community that gives so much to protect our safety,” said GLOCK Vice President, Gary Fletcher.

The state-of-the-art institution will be located in the Judiciary Square neighborhood, adjacent to the existing National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Scheduled to open in late 2013, the National Law Enforcement Museum will be the world’s most comprehensive museum focusing on law enforcement.

“This generous gift from GLOCK, Inc. will fund the design and development of The History Beat, an innovative and captivating exhibit space designed to educate individuals of all ages on the major milestones in law enforcement history,” said Craig W. Floyd, chairman and CEO of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. “We are excited about this partnership and extend our gratitude to GLOCK, Inc. for its continued support of law enforcement and the National Law Enforcement Museum.”

About The History Beat:

  • The elegant and inviting pavilion structure welcomes visitors. After noticing the Model A Ford that is clearly visible within, visitors will be immediately drawn to the captivating artifacts glowing inside cases set into the back wall. Each historic object has a connection and relevance to law enforcement’s rich history, from its colonial roots to modern day practices. The objects found in The History Beat will be selected from the Museum’s collection, and each will be used to make the direct connection between the past and the present.
  • Six iconic artifacts highlight issues that have relevance to American law enforcement and American society, such as an antique police car to illustrate the impact of transportation on law enforcement.
  • After selecting an object, visitors will watch a  program that explains  the full meaning of the object — starting with its creation and use, and then moving on to connections between the object and the larger theme in law enforcement history.

“GLOCK is extremely proud of our long history of supporting the individuals and families of those that go in harm’s way. GLOCK continues to provide over 65% of Law Enforcement agencies in the United States with the confidence to know that when they draw their weapon it is ready to be fired,” said Mr. Fletcher.

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Acknowledgements: Leader Enterprises, Inc. & Glock, Inc.

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