Building Machine Guns Vegas Part 2

As the title suggests, this is the second part of this series.  If you have not read Part 1, you may find it by clicking here.

Machine Guns Vegas BuildingWe left off with an empty, half painted building and a little bit of frame work on some of the internal walls.  Today, things are looking very different at Machine Guns Vegas.  I’ve been stopping by about once a week to check on the progress and take some photos here and there.  Lets get to showing those and catching you all up on what’s been going on at MGV.

For starters, MGV had to put up a couple of walls to separate the storage / expansion area from the ranges.  These walls needed to be re-enforced with rebar and concrete and the building’s cement floor was not solid enough to support the weight.  Before the new walls could be built, the floor had to be cut out so better foundations could be made for the walls.  The ditches you see in the photos are where the walls will be built.

Building Machine Guns Vegas Part 2

Unfortunately, I missed the laying of the new foundations and rebar but I did manage to stop by and get some photos of the final part of wall construction.  As you can see, the floor cut outs have been filled and the work crew has been busy stacking blocks.

When the walls were almost completed, the bullet traps and all the steel plating were delivered.  Stacks of steel sheets are spread out all around the ranges and the middle storage area.  The square plates will be hung from the ceiling and the angled plates are the flanges that attach to the bullet traps.

A few days  ago, workers from Shooting Ranges International started hanging the steel.  The sheets are suspended by chains then welded together.  For the first several feet, the plating is laid flat.  After that, they are hung at an angle to deflect any high rounds back down and into the traps.

Shooting Ranges International worker welding at Machine Guns Vegas

Shooting Ranges International worker suspended in the air welding the steel ceiling sheets at Machine Guns Vegas

When I stopped by this morning, the crew had nearly finished the 2 VIP shooting lanes. All the ceiling plates are installed as are the bullet traps. They still need to finish up the counters and add some lights since the suspended sheets now block out most of the old lighting. I tried getting some better photos using a flash but the place is so dusty that most of the flash photos look like a snow storm.

On the retail side of things, the walls are up and the transformation has begun.  The majority of the electrical, ventilation, and wall coverings have been completed.  The next steps are the ceiling, floor, and counters which should be getting done next week.

Moving over to the VIP area…The walls were once bare and orange paint marked the areas outlining the future design of the room.  Stone, wood, and steel elements will be combined to create the unique ambiance MGV is looking for.  New flooring, brickwork, stone walls, and steel window coverings have all been installed.

Some of the management and employees have been very busy learning as much as they can by taking every armorer’s class offered by Long Mountain Outfitters as well as classes offered at some out of state facilities.  All in all, things are progressing smoothly and Machine Guns Vegas projects their opening to be in the first part of February.

Here’s a look at some of the shooting packages MGV will be offering.  There’s pretty much something of interest for all potential shooters.

World at War package at Machine Guns Vegas Mob package at Machine Guns Vegas Femme Fatale package at Machine Guns Vegas
Seal Team Six package at Machine Guns Vegas Hand Cannons package at Machine Guns Vegas SAS package at Machine Guns Vegas
3 Gun package at Machine Guns Vegas Full Auto package at Machine Guns Vegas Kids package at Machine Guns Vegas
Call of Duty package at Machine Guns Vegas Elite package at Machine Guns Vegas The Compound package at Machine Guns Vegas

Our final installment of this series will wrap up the construction and lead into the much anticipated Grand Opening of the world’s first luxury gun ultra-lounge.

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Acknowledgements: Gun package graphics courtesy of: Mac more...

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4 Responses to Building Machine Guns Vegas Part 2

  1. Sinister January 28, 2012 at 2:37 pm #

    Thanks for taking the time to give us the blow by blow on the building of this range. Look forward to stopping in and checking it out when I get back. Thanks again.

  2. teRRy January 31, 2012 at 9:05 pm #

    Looking forward to being there when it’s complete!

  3. emptymag March 4, 2012 at 1:17 pm #

    nice! when is it going to be finished?

    • 702 March 4, 2012 at 1:19 pm #

      Should be fully finished within a month or so. However, they are open now. I’m working on the final writeup.

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