National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)
Alert! Defend 2nd Amendment Rights Nevada!!
Action: Please, attend the commission meeting in Las Vegas on August 28th!
What: Nevada Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice to speak about “Assault Weapons”
Location: Room 4412, Grant Sawyer State Office Building
555 E Washingston St, Las Vegas, NV
Date: Tuesday, August 28th
Time: 9am
Agenda: To Discuss “Assault Weapons”
On Tuesday, August 28, the state Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (also called a legislative interim committee) will be holding a public hearing to discuss a number of issues, one of which will be so-called “Assault Weapons.” This legislative interim committee, led by Assembly Judiciary Committee Chairman William Horne (D-34), will be holding its hearing at 9:00 a.m. on August 28 in Carson City. This commission will not be taking public comment, but has invited a representative of the NRA to speak, along with members of the law enforcement community and the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence based out of San Francisco.
The NRA has been informed by Assembly Judiciary Committee staff that this is merely an informational hearing and that “Assault Weapons” will be the third issue on their agenda, with each presenter having no more than 15-20 minutes to speak. This commission hearing will be held in Room 3137 of the Legislative Building and video-conferenced to room 4412 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building in Las Vegas.
It is very important that those who influence policy for gun owners in Nevada know that law-abiding gun owners are paying attention. Please attend this hearing and contact Chairman William Horne to politely remind him that Nevada does not need another failed gun control experiment. Chairman Horne may be reached via e-mail at, or by phone at (702) 457-6963. Thank you!
For more information, call Alex Aliferis, 530-400-5821,

If we don’t show up, the antis will claim that we agree with them that “assault weapons” should be restricted. Let’s show up and give them an earful!
I moved to Ohio from Carson City. If I was there I would organize some of my friends to stand outside the capital building. Maybe ya’ll should look into this as well. Probly need a permit or something.