I’d like to start off by saying that over the last 9 years I have attended no less than 100 trade shows around the world. Living in Las Vegas, one might think that my list would include both C.E.S. and the Shot Show but as history would have it, both of these shows have eluded me. That being said, when I stepped through the first set of doors I was greeted by an awe inspiring showroom filled with some of the largest booth/displays I have ever seen. Blowing my expectations away even further was the sheer number of displays which was at least three times more than I had expected.
Our Shot Show coverage certainly leaves a lot out but our intention was more to gather videos of some specific products which we intend to use on our Precision Rifle Raffle than to cover the actual show itself. However, we found a handful of products that caught our attention and have included them here to bring your attention to them as well. In this write up we are going to present to you a number of photos and videos. Some of the companies featured have also been generous enough to give us their products either for our previously mentioned Precision Rifle Build and/or more in depth reviews which will be posted on 702Shooter.com as we are able to review each individual product.
Pendleton Valuables Management
I’m going to lead off with the thing that really got my attention the most. That product is the Pendleton Valuables Management line of gun vaults from Pendleton Safe. I’d call this a revolutionary step forward in gun vaults because it really does change the way your firearms are stored and accessed. I could go on and on about these safes but the bottom line is that they are rounded and feature a full height “Lazy Susan” which makes it possible to store WAY MORE rifles, shotguns, and handguns than any other safe on the market of the same size. Check out the pics and watch the video as company owner Bruce Pendleton gives us a tour of their “King” safe.
Kruger Optical DTS
The product I found as the second most impressive is the Kruger Optical Dual Tactical Sight or “D.T.S.” as they call it. What makes this sight stand out from all the rest is that with the flip of a switch it goes from a 2-8×40 scope to a 1 MOA dot with a 60 MOA circle reflex sight. At this point only the prototype is out but Dan Callen, V.P. of sales, has offered to send us one of the first 25 that roll off the assembly line so that we can put it through its paces and give the sight a full review. Be sure to check out the video to hear more about this sight from Dan himself.
Here are a few photos of some of the special detail vehicles placed around the showroom floors.
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The following are presented in no particular order:
Eye Tactical
Shawn McGovern, President of Eye Tactical gives an overview of their CM Mask series and Universal Helmet Mount.
PSE Tac15 Crossbow
Lonnie Workman of P.S.E. Archery introduces the TAC 15 Crossbow which is designed as an alternative AR-15 upper.
Tactical Innovations T15 Lower Receiver
Craig Wheatley of Tactical Innovations tells us a bit about the company and shows us their T15 lower receiver. This receiver has some great features on it and will be the starting block for our Precision Rifle Build.
Tac Latch
The gathering around Terry Lowinger’s Tac Latch booth caught my eye so I stopped by to see what the fuss was about. This cool AR-15 charging handle is ambidextrous and more ergonomically suited for the job than any other charging handle I’ve ever seen. They come in a variety of colors. Terry hooked me up with a black and silver one for my Carbine. I should have a review of it up within the week.

I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found 702shooter.com to be extremely interesting. I will be coming back for more information.