FAB Defense Mag Well Grip & K.P.O.S. System
Colin Despins of Force One Tactical took a few minutes to tell us about the FAB Defense Mag Well Grip and their K.P.O.S. Glock SBR conversion kit. We will be using their Mag Well Grip on our Precision Rifle Build.
Colin also owns an interest in the Karam Bite tactical knife pictured below.
Mega Arms Monolithic Upper Receiver
Jason Curns from Mega Arms shows us their brand new Monolithic AR-15 upper receiver.
Airforce Airguns Condor Air Rifle
Although this show was filled with Airsoft guns and other air rifles, I pretty much avoided them all….That is until I stumbled upon the Airforce Airguns booth and was introduced to the Condor Air Rifle. After a few minutes with the company owner, John McCaslin, I wanted to get my hands on one of these fun “toys.” Mr. McCaslin offered to ship one out to me for testing and review. The question is, do I take it to a range or do I give the neighbors something to talk about by trying it out in my backyard?
Addax Tactical G.P.U.
We stopped by the Addax Tactical booth to talk with Chris Haddadian about the Addax Tactical G.P.U. a.k.a. Gas Piston Upper.
The Addax Tactical built AR15 Piston Uppers utilizing the PWS Piston System were discontinued as of November 2010.
CORBON Ammunition
Mike Shovel of CORBON takes center stage to tell us about their DPX and Glaser ammunition.

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