Last year we visited the Howard Leight booth to bring you some additional info on their line of hearing protection including their Impact Sport electronic Earmuff. We recently followed that up with full review of the Impact Sport and we are giving away a few free pairs of them over the next few months. Click here to read more about that and to enter the drawings.
For 2012, Howard Leight is releasing a brand new electronic earmuff called the Impact Pro. As of Shot Show, there are only 2 sets in the entire country but I’m told they should be shipping this Spring. The new earmuffs are a bit larger than the Impact Sport but they are specifically designed for handgun shooters who do not necessarily need a low profile earmuff. They feature the same electronics and auxiliary audio connections as the sport version but do a better job of handling the noise reduction of handguns, especially with indoor ranges.
They are also offering a new Sync earmuff which incorporates a bass chamber for those wanting larger audio from their plugged in electronics without the need for the external microphones. These are a great option for those who want to cut out the loud noises around them and still be able to jam out to music.
Lastly, Howard Leight is offering the red, white, and blue Superleight earplugs which will be used by the USA shooting teams in upcoming Olympic Games.

Impact Sports are a great value, looks like they are trying to up the ante.
On rare occasions I enter a drawing of one sort or another, and on even rarer occasions I win. I entered the product giveaway on 702Shooter for the Howard Leight Impact Sport Electronic hearing protection by simply posting a comment on the product.
I shoot with the Sin City Precision crew, and most times am the only one yelling when we talk with hearing protection on. Figured I should pick up a pair of the Howard Leight Impact Sports. When 702Shooter posted up the drawing, I gave it a shot.
I picked my package up the other day at Wild West Guns, one set of Impact Sport and two pairs of safety glasses, you can never have too many pairs of safety glasses. Once I arrived home I set the Impact Sports up. Simple process, everything is included, right down to the batteries. I haven’t taken them to the range yet, but when the volume is turned up the household noises were amplified nicely. Go figure a computer cooling fan is so loud.
My team members of Sin City Precision like the Howard Leight Impact Sports, and they work well on the range for them. I am looking forward to not yelling at everyone.