Next Level Training at 2011 SHOT Show

Mike Hughes – Next Level Training

As we were making our way up and down the rows of booths, I heard somebody about 10 feet behind yell out “Hey 702Shooter!” When I turned around I discovered it was Bryan Pacey and Steve Gowin from the King County Sheriff’s Dept. SWAT Tac 30 team. This is the team that has won the American Heroes Challenge back to back and they were there to rep Next Level Training who’s dry fire products helped the King County team prepare for the AHC Events. When a top tactical team starts giving away training secrets, you should listen. :)

NLT offers SIRT (Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger) products in a couple different pistol models and an AR-15 bolt model is almost ready for release. These dry fire systems are perfect for practicing your trigger mechanics on the go or from anywhere in your home. The dual lasers of the SIRT pistol allow you to practice aiming but more importantly, the second laser only lights up when you pull the trigger showing any shift that you may be creating during your trigger pull. Company Founder and CEO Mike Hughes showed us two different SIRT products which can be seen in the video below.

The SIRT pistols include weighted magazines that can be adjusted to represent the kind of ammo you carry which is a useful feature to practice reloading with. The trigger is adjustable to many different settings so you can dial it in as close to your real gun as possible.

This is truly a unique and well thought out product. Keep your eye on Next Level Training to see what they come up with next.

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