U.S. Optics at 2011 SHOT Show

Jeff Fertal - U.S. Optics

Jeff Fertal – U.S. Optics

As you may remember, U.S. Optics stepped up and donated one of their SN-3 T-PAL scopes to our recent Precision Rifle Raffle which benefited the Las Vegas Veteran’s Memorial. Although we are still working on the review for that scope, I wanted to stop by and thank them once again for their generosity. While chatting with Jeff Fertal, he told us about some of the new upgrades and products now available through U.S.O. including a built in bubble level and their new digital illumination system.

On another note, a local group of guys has recently formed Sin City Precision and it’s my understanding that after speaking with U.S. Optics, their shooting teams will be moving exclusively to U.S.O. products.

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