So I was at 702’s house a couple of weeks back. We were just doing the basic dinner thing, (best Chinese ever) and talking about the state of the shooting industry. All of a sudden he blurts out, “Dude, I have to show you this new Multitool I got!” He rummaged around in a few of the many boxes in his office, and pulled out this rather plain looking cardboard box with your average black lettering on the sides and presented me with the Multitasker Series 2. He then proceeded to tell me that he’s been looking for somebody since SHOT Show who could offer a decent review on what he considered a pretty good product, but that none of the people he asked had followed through. He then asked me if I would be so inclined, and being the heck of the guy I am, I of course volunteered my services.
I got home later, and the box along with a bunch of other items, wound up on the lower right corner of my bed, and there they stayed for the better part of a week and a half. Finally on the following Saturday, I roused myself from a fantastic night’s sleep at about the crack of noon. I stretched, walked to the foot of the bed and began rummaging through my to do list. Low and behold this brown box slides out of the pile and lands on my toe. As I hopped around like a mongoloid rabbit on one foot, I resisted the urge to hurl said offender out of my window. “Hey, Glass isn’t cheap stupid,” I muttered to myself.
I pulled the box open, and boy am I glad I did. First, let me describe the pouch this thing comes in. It’s not any cheap run of the mill nylon, its 1000D Nylon. That may not seem very significant but consider the fact that most of us would like to mount this on the Molle loops of a Vest or Rucksack, and then what will you probably be doing with said Vest or Ruck? Well let’s just say that the pack is more likely to rip than this tool coming off. The pouch is double stitched and bar tacked, really well done. The Actual tool itself is just solid. The pliers and body are machined from Billet, NOT stamped or molded like some of the others out there. The sides are also lined with G10 Micarta. If you have ever done work in the rain or with gloves on, you know how slick some Multitools can be. Even though initially, the tool was somewhat stiff to open, I know with time it will loosen up to where one handed operation will be a snap. This is a solid, no BS tool designed for every AR-15 /AR-10 / M4 owner. You don’t need to be Joe commando to justify having this thing in your kit.
I don’t know who designed this, but a whole lot of thought and knowledge went into it. I would like to meet the crew responsible and have them out to dinner. By well thought out, how does this grab you? It has an 8/32” male thread bit which makes it compatible with just about all of the Otis brand cleaning kit accessories. I rather gleefully broke out my Otis kit and began test fitting pieces, and yup, they work! This will give a user a lot more leverage when scrubbing internals. It even has a removable HD dental pick attachment for getting at those hard to reach places.
Other serious considerations are a 3/8“ box wrench for tightening of all your Larue tension nut accessories, and (this is what sold me) a 2 pronged spanner wrench for tightening the castle nut on your AR. Believe you me, this is something you never think you will have to mess with in the field, until you do. Having the castle nut work itself loose will just ruin your day!
Another great feature is this crazy little bent tip carbon scraper. This will ensure that you can get to those hard to reach areas and actually be able to get your stuff clean when you do. Especially around areas like the bolt assembly. Even the plain Jane utility blade is anything but. For one, it has a Tanto style chisel tip, machined from 440C, and the blade locks solidly in the open position. No filleting of your knuckles with this bad boy!
One of the “failures” or shortcomings of most multitools is that they typically seem to do only one thing really well. You either have a decent armorer’s tool with so-so accessories, or a good tool with non functionality of the hardware. It always seems that the pliers are kind of gimpy, or don’t grip on something you want to tighten. Or the first time you use the hex wrench attachment, you round it off and strip it! This is the first one I’ve seen, conceived and built from the ground up, to be a solid, no nonsense, get out of jail free tool that simply works as advertised!
They have even included a magnetic bit set which can be used by pulling out the tip of the front sight adjustment tool and inserting the individual bits.
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In summary, I guess the best argument I can give is this: If you own any kind of M4/AR15 clone, regardless of make or model, you cannot be without this tool. It is your one stop repair shop for anything but the most major of repairs. Don’t let a day on the range or a competition come undone because of some small mechanical mishap that the Multitasker Series 2 could easily help you fix! Or fix your buddy’s gimpy rifle that always seems to have problems (operator head space and timing, perhaps) and issues.

been looking to pick up one of these. thanks for the review
Enjoyable and well written review. Seen these floating around, but nothing of substance was written as a review.. What else you got in the pipe to tell us about.
Quite a bit actually. We have a number of things that have found themselves on the back burner and new stuff coming in.
I should post that comments are now closed, as I will be winning this. But, I haven’t won in awhile, and frankly, I’m okay with that. Great review! Daddy like!
Great review i would love to have one!!!
Very nice looking tool. I think I’ll have to find one in my garage for myself.
Nice review on a great product. I need one of these being an active competitor and coach working with multiple AR-15’s in many configurations. I may have to get a few for the various shooting bags and team trailer used at competitions and training sessions.
This thing’s pretty great! I’m gonna have to get one for the range bag.
As I’m sitting at my desk looking at this tool, the following thoughts came to mind:
The last 2 times I’ve been out shooting, one of my friends had an issue with their AR-15’s that I had to fix. Although I was able to get the repairs done, it sure as hell would be been way easier and faster if I had this tool with me.
The first problem was caused by a double feed that jammed the BCG to the point where it could not be budged. If I had been able to remove the castle nut, I could have easily pulled everything out the back of the rifle and cleared the jam in just a few minutes. Instead, I spent the better part of half an hour working with a pocket knife and applying so much force to the charging handle that I was afraid of breaking or tweaking it.
The second problem was with a different rifle that would not cycle correctly due to improper care and maintenance. I found the internal parts bone dry with caked on layers of carbon. Again I attacked the problem with a pocket knife which proved difficult to pull apart the BCG and scrape the carbon away. The dental pick part of the Multitasker would have made this a breeze and obviously the carbon scraper part of the tool would have been better as well.
I honestly don’t want to give this thing away because that means that I’ve gotta drop the $100+ to get my own. Not that it isn’t worth every cent mind you…
As I think back over the years and the 10’s of thousands of rounds I’ve fed through AR’s, I find myself recalling many, MANY times that this tool would have saved me a ton of wasted time and headaches. There is no doubt in my mind that I need to add one to my kit ASAP.
Great review. Will keep eye open for one of these. Be great tool to keep in the gun bag!
ok, of course I want to win one…don’t we all? but in the likely chance that I don’t (don’t seem to win anything in these drawings), where does one buy this handy little tool and how much do they go for????
That’s a good question. I was unable to find an MSRP but when I Googled it, I came up with prices ranging from $105 to $129. Brownells currently has them on backorder. You can also find it here for $105 but I’m not familiar with this site so I’m not recommending it.
Your best bet may be to contact the company directly through their Facebook page:
Or by phone: (404) 691-1099
Would love to have one of those for my AR15’s!
This looks amazing. Where could I get one
Having a MultiTasker Series 2 would have saved me some embarrassment at my last range outing.
Very nice site. I really like the multitasker tool. That would work great for my AR15. Thanks, Rico
Thanks for the review. Been looking for the “right” tool for the OBR and it looks like your toe found it!
Nice review. I’ve seen one at a show and after a hands-on review, it’s on my list of must haves.
Nice tool sure could use one!
Nice tool. What is the SRP and where would I shop for one if I wanted to go touch one?
Looks this this could end up being a popular question. Please read the comments above.
nice review! Thanks for the info!
Looks like an amazing tool to have in a range bag.
Great review…Yikes!!! I do believe this would replace the current BIG’OL tool I currently have for my AR.
I am a gadget guy and this would fit in real nice with my B.O.B.
Great review, if I can’t win one I’m definitely buying one for my birthday next month! Thanks for the information.
Woot, gotta get one of these, hopefully when you send this one to me
My buddy has the Multitasker Tube Kit, and I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these. Thanks for the review.
I have wanted one of these for a long time, It would be great to keep on my duty bag.
Awesome looking and very useful too. Thanks for the review.
Would make a great addition to my range bag! Thanks for the review.
What a wonderful review of what promises to be “THE” definitive Ar multi-tool. Good work!
Looks like a great tool .. I’ll have to take a closer look at it
Awsome review! I am new to your sight and love it! lot of good info here.
looks like it’s extremely useful. Great review, love the website.
Looks more practical then other multitools
This gadget is awesome, I feel it would make my life easier for multiple reasons. Firstly I am practicing Gunsmithing, not to be a professional at it, but to enhance my own skills. Secondly as I own multiple weapon types including Shotguns, Semi-Automatics, revolvers and Muzzleloaders, this little guy would save me hours of work and that time can be put to good use at the range.
Thank you for showing this product.
Cool tool that has a good review to go with it. Would love to win one and try it out.
by far a much needed tool, I’ve seen a few reviews, have wanted one for myself as well. Although I always seem to find them out of stock.
This is one of those EDC kind of items if you breathe, get near or even hope to shoot an AR or know friends that do. It’s just the kind of think that makes sense!
Great review.
Looks sturdy and well made. That would be a great addition to the duty belt!
What more could one want , in such an awesome tool !
Well, I don’t even have my Colt anymore, but I’m about to get back into this “black rifle” thing, and that looks like one handy tool. Awesome!
I… want…no…need…one……..BAD. My LMT even told me it wants it too.
I am building my first AR, I just assembled the Stag lower and am deciding what barrel I what to use and was going to order the tool at the same time. This would be a big help saving the cost of the tools needed to finish my build.
Man I need one of these for my AR15.
Looks like a great tool and as I am going to build an AR it would be great to have.
love it!!!! totally need one!!!
Thank you to 702 and Multitasker for the great giveaway, I can’t wait to try it out!
Wow id love to get my hands on one of these
I’ve looking for a good multi-tool for firearms. thanks for info.
Very nice tool could use that several times a week at the range. When is the multitaSCAR coming I could use one for my 17s. Thanks
Very nifty tool.
As an ER Dr., tools like this are a MUST for saving lives!
Huh. I’ll have to remember that. Neat.
excellent go go gadget multi tool
I used to have a leather man but somebody else liked it more then I did
What a tool…
Looks pretty handy.
I would love that MULTI-tool!!
That would be a great addition to my bugout bag!
That would be a nice addition for anyone that owns an AR
Great tool…may have to buy one soon.
I need this to work with my new guns.
Thank you for offering this as a giveaway.
It looks like everything one would need, and in a small tough package!
This is awesome
Thanks for this giveaway!
This is a awesome prize….. that would really help out a disabled veteran!
It’s also a prize that has already been given away. Not to mention that you have posted the same comment on 5 different giveaways, 3 of which have been over for months.
very nice tool I want one
Sounds like a great idea
great tool
It5 was very nice to meet you at the show yesterday. What else can you say about a free AR-15 and free ammo and the training class with Larry Vickers. Hoooah!
Great review I’m gonna buy one after I get my new ar and use it as needed for the Vegas class and keep up the great work boys see you soon! Joey
I like this a lot. Im going to look into buying one.
Thanks Matt
Nice tool with some unique attachments.
New to the site. This was a great review. Looking forward to adding this to my shooting bag.